22 April 2015

Yellow Flicker Beat

Scrolling through my tumbr timeline, too many strength there that i wish i can say thanks to those who wrote such a positive quotes. Aku tak sure bila aku betul2 move on actually tapi aku notice that aku heartless tiap kali tgk nama dia dkt timeline Instagram. Tah, dah takde rasa sedih or kecewa or sakit hati or whatever. Syukur for that.
I'm living my life better, Alhamdulillah. Family and friends will always be my best supporters which they know how to help me cure my heart. Moving on ain't easy, especially when u need to stop doing things that u used to do. People might hardly see my tears but they would never know how i struggle to stand strong in front of him. But Allah loves me more, He shown me hidden Hikmah that i've never expect.
Days by days, i sleep in calm, i met new friends, i can go travel whenever i want, i can do what i've planned 3 years ago, i spent most of my time with family, i stand independently. At first when i saw him with someone new my heart was broken into tiny pieces which i thought it would never get fixed again but now i'm almost done picking up the pieces and stick it back perfectly.